
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Confession Tuesday

The short version of the last few weeks: my bi-weekly meetings with the girls of Color Online is going very well. Our online group consists of a lot of new members, mostly women who support what we're trying to do.

I've been ill with sinus infection, then the flu and I can't seem to get rid of bad cough. May need to go to the doctor. I hate going to the doctor. Feel free to chastise me. My sweetie, doesn't hold back.

Reading quite a bit and spending time building our library collection which eats up a lot of my blogging time.

The economy has meant a layoff scare for me and personal challenges for members of my family. We've dealt with lean times before but this time is different. So many people are suffering on a large scale and if the economy crisis isn't enough to depress me the world news with the Congo and Zimbabwe is.

I love the holidays, but like I mentioned, rising costs and helping those who need me means less frivolous spending. I'm grateful that we are okay. I'd hate to whine knowing so many are truly struggling right now.

And my last confession, I miss blog hopping and I miss the interaction. It's when I can't be present on a daily basis that I feel like blogs are truly islands. There are so few messages in a bottle if you're not sitting on the shore writing in the sand and tossing out bottles for other islanders.

Time to get sand between my fingers.

1 comment:

Melody said...

I found your blog hidden away in my favorites. I've missed seeing you around. Take care, and Best wishes for the New Year.