Dreamdark is as colorful and wondrous as the Jinn-crafted tapestry that gives it life. If the cover art didn't tip you off, this book isn't the gag-me-sweet faerie world of little people who flit around and make things grow (there is one in the book, but you can't help but like her). It's the brilliantly conceived tale of Magpie Windwitch, granddaughter of the West Wind, who hunts devils that have been released back into the world by meddling humans who keep opening bottles hoping to have their wishes granted. She's tough, she's good, and she's endearing from her foxlick to her crow feather skirt. Read Jen Seegmiller's review here.

What I found most interesting about Sweethearts was how it doesn’t go for an either/or dichotomy when it comes to Jenna's identity. Perhaps the most obvious solution would be for Jenna to return to being Jennifer, her "true self", stick to the friends who loved her for that, and learn not to care about what everyone else says. But as time passes, people, especially teenagers, do change. And Jenna isn’t really Jennifer anymore. So what happens is that she realizes that her life isn’t completely artificial after all; that people have a better idea of who she really is than she realizes. It turns out she wasn’t acting all the time. See Nymeth's review here.

On the surface, seventh graders Kirsten and Walk couldn’t be more different. Kirsten is an overweight secret eater who hides her unhappiness over her parents’ constant fighting behind mountains of candy bars and bags of potato chips. Walk is a smart loner trying to make it as one of the only black students in Kirsten’s mostly white private school... What looks like a benign school story from its innocent, colorful cover is actually a pretty deep read that will challenge the way you think about race and economic class, and help you understand that even though they often try to convince you otherwise, adults mess up too. Read full review at Reading Rants.

So Punk Rock (and Other Ways to Disappoint Your Mother) by David Ostow. I recently read some comments by Micol that says I need to check her out. Now I learn she's married to an artist. Very cool. Read interview here.
So Punk Rock totally rocks. I dig this hybrid novel. It's funny, it's thoughtful, and it's just plain cool. It will definitely appeal to teen guys AND girls. It reads like a 'normal' book, with chapters and Ari's first-person narration, plus it has black-and-white illustrations: sidebars, pictures of the band members, doodles and lists. Read full review at Guys Lit Wire.
Awesome books this week!
Dreamdark: Blackbringer & Sweethearts
looks really good. Hope u enjoy them :D
Great list of books...the punk rock books looks like a good one.
Glad you got the books this week. I was clueless about If a Tree Falls at Lunch Period. I just happened to stumble across it while I was browsing the shelves, and thought it sounded really good.
Thanks all for coming by. I'm hoping to get to these in the near future.
The books you picked up this week sound really interesting. I'd never heard of most of them. I look forward to returning and reading your reviews.
Great books you got this week. They all look really good. I hope you enjoy reading them and I look forward to your reviews.
I'm currently reading If A Tree Falls at Lunch Period by Gennifer Choldenko. Hope to finish tonight.
Fantastic read. It is the surprise read in YA for me. Solid write. Very, very impress with the writer's treatment of race and family in crisis.
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