Changes to winning: I'm afraid I'm going to change the book prize to once a month. Winner announced the last Saturday each month. I'll leave this open to readers outside of the US and Canada, but instead of shipping a book, I'll email you a gift card. It's too costly for me to ship beyond Canada. Congratulations, Evelyn. Visit Evelyn at Evelyn N. Alfred.
Commit to visiting 5 blogs and leaving comments. If you do that, let us know. You might not care about winning a book, but I'm thinking you're a cool person who cares. Tell us that you shared some love. Thanks. Winner may choose a prize from the list or any previously offered book if it is available:

Absolutely Maybe by Lisa Yee
Annie John by Jamaica Kincaid
Paradise by Toni Morrison (hardcover)
Check out these links:
How To Stay Focused at Book of Kells
Carnival of Children's Literature at Mother Reader
A Little Tenderness at Fledgling
Stages (poetry)
COC at Melissa Wiley's
White Privilege and Children's Publishing at Tockla's
Happy Blogoversary to Diana!
Reading Rainbow at Shvetufae
White Bread Competition at Happy Nappy Bookseller (review)
Variety of links at Cynsations
Read Write Poem makeover
My blogoversary is today so I would like people to know about my blog bash! http://orientaldesires.blogspot.com/2009/08/happy-birthday-to.html Lots of giveaways and fun posts by authors!
I'd like to nominate Laura Atkins over at Tockla b/c she took the LIAR controversy to heart and blogged about what whites in the kidlit community need to do NOW...
Hitting more than five blogs tonight as I will be in flight most of Monday....always good to have reminders to "give some loving"....have a great week!
*blinking* So I won? Wow! I never win anything. Thank you. So much.
*big grin*
I would like to nominate Sheveta http://shvetufae.livejournal.com/55228.html I just discovered her blog and I particularly liked this post (not just cuz I'm linked in it!) because it provided many lists of multicultural lit and gave me so many new books to read!!
Oh and I'll commit to commenting on 5 blogs :)
Have a great week, Carol. Thanks for sharing the love. :-)
Oh, and here are some folks who could use a Little Lov'n:
Jaqueline Woodson - She's my favorite YA author. http://www.jacquelinewoodson.com/
Toya - Just discovered her page from being on Twitter
Laini Madhubuti - I just recently found out that Gwendolyn Brooks wrote a poem for her when she was a baby, which is cool in itself, but she is a writer too.
Daryl R. Bailey - Went to middle school with him and just started a website dedicated to Hip Hop.
Diggy Simmons - Well, he has a lot of followers already, but he blogs a LOT. About fashion mostly and I figure if I want to know what young folks are into...I can check his page to find out.
Shut up! Didn't you know I'm Jacqueline Woodson's biggest fan? lol
Okay, she doesn't know it, but I am.
Thanks for the links, Evelyn.
Her biggest fan, huh? Well then I must at least be in her top ten. I'm going to post a picture on Twitter for you to see. I think you'll like it.
Okay, but I have posted her lovely picture here and Color Online multiple times. lol Did you not see my huge girl crush Roll Call post about Ms. Woodson. Honey, that's why I'm #1 and you're in the top 10. :-)
The Summer Carnival of Children's Literature is now up. :o) Check it out, guys!
Kelli has a great post about staying focused as a writer that I think everyone should check out: http://ofkells.blogspot.com/2009/08/how-to-stay-focused-as-writer.html
Stages by [not] Average Poet.
http://jessloovesagoodstory.blogspot.com/2009/08/in-my-mailbox-5.html Jess is reading Perfect Chemistry for the Color me brown challenge
http://www.malindalo.com/2009/08/an-excerpt-from-ash/ Malinda posted an excerpt from Ash. It sounds really goood!
Zetta did a really good post on writing and writng critiques. She also talks about Jacqueline Woodson
Zetta, I went straight to Laura's article. Loved it. Thanks for posting it.
I didn't see that post about her being your girl-crush. Being #1 fan is too much pressure. :-)
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