Little Lov'n Monday is a day we celebrate the work of fellow bloggers. Between now and Wednesday, post a link to an article, contest, interview, poem- anything you think deserves a little lov'n. Leave a link and be entered in
LLM Giveaway. Deadline is
August 21th. I'll leave this open to readers outside of the US and Canada, but instead of shipping a book, I'll email you a gift card. It's too costly for me to ship beyond Canada. On the fourth Saturday of each month, I'll announce a winner and will provide a list of books the winner may choose from.
Commit to visiting 5 blogs and leaving comments. If you do that, let us know. You might not care about winning a book, but I'm thinking you're a cool person who cares. Tell us that you shared some love. Thanks.
Check out these links:Paper on White privilege in children's publishing by Laura Atkins (comments wanted)
Writers Against Racism at Amy Bowllen's
Original poetry by Ninja
Steph Su, YA blogger speaks out about Liar controversy
One Shot SE Asia Challenge at Chasing Ray
I loved this post by science fiction writer Hal Duncan. Not only because it takes a stance against homophobia, but also because he explains what is also my own ethical system so well.
Thanks. Adding it.
This is a poem that I wrote:
I think it's kind of got deep meaning and that people can relate to it and it can have a different meaning for people.
Thanks for linking to Laura's post--folks need to scroll all the way down for the link to her BLOG, since that's where the comments can be left...
Amy Bodden Bowllen is trying to start a national campaign called Writers Against Racism:
Keep the links coming. Please do read and comment. Wouldn't hurt to promote LLM while you're there either. :-)
Here's a link that could use some love:
A debate about Urban Fiction.
Thanks so much for the mention
I love reading Bookshipper's Musings on Owning a Used Bookstore! There are seven of them so far and I think more people should read them:
paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
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