
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Shall We Dance? Belated Confession Tuesday

What can I say? Life just will not follow my plans! Work is better. The commute really sucks and I'm working another schedule though this one is for six months. Just when I think I'm falling into a routine, I become ill. I'm an allergy sufferer, and in the past five days my allergies kicked me in the head big time. Add to that, a nasty stomach virus and oh yeah, my doctor called: I'm anemic. The upside to all of this? Well, feeling like crap killed my appetite so I've lost seven pounds. Hey, I'm taking the good wherever I can find it.

I've been feeling sorry for myself and making excuses why I can't find my writing groove. But, I swear I miss the daily interaction. Today is my Sunday and the meds have kicked in, and I'm looking forward to my first decent meal that I really want to eat so I decided to show up here. Read a cool note from January so, I'm going to try this again.

I'll be running around reading your work and thoughts and commenting and trying to get my act together. I want to bring back Piaster in April and just maybe the NaPoWriMo Poetry challenge will be the jump start to some new, decent drafts.


writerwoman said...

Sorry to hear you were sick. Looking forward to seeing what you do next month at The Last Piaster. I'll try to remember to post about it at PWB.

Christine Swint said...

Hey, friend. Good to hear from you. When you get a chance, check out neti pots for allergy sufferers. It might be something that can help. I do it every day, even though I don't have allergies. I just feel like I can breathe better.

I'll do the same about Last Pister on my blog, humble as my litlle blog is! Your exercises are very enlightening. I really think you would make an excellent writing coach, as in paid writing coach. Maybe when the new routine settles in.

Check out today's post at readwritepoem, if you have time. I wrote a list of short forms for people to try during NaPoWriMo. It's not like writing poetry from the bones, but it gets you writing, anything. It gets you back in poetry mode.

As far as reading goes, I am reading every day, but just not enough. I just finished Natasha TRethaway's collection, Native Guard. Stunning, elegant, pignant, I can't say enough. I loved it. She more than deserved the Pulitzer. She even lives in my city, Atlanta! If I can work up the courage, I might try to schedule an interview with her for RWP. Scary enev thinking about trying to approach her.

Anyway, I've got to get ready for work. So good to hear you're feeling a bit better. Be good to yourself. Give yourself a quatrain, a couplet or two. :)

Christine Swint said...

I have misspelled Piaster and Poignant. If only I had a piaster for every typo I send!

susan said...

Hey C, I am going to join the challenge though I have little faith in my ability to complete it. How about scared? Me, a writing coach. I am both flattered and embarrassed. But I love you for believing that much in me. I have heard of neti pots but I could not find them when I looked. That was a couple of years ago. I will look again. Thanks for coming by and your blog rocks!

Anonymous said...

missed you! glad to hear your voice again. and whatever napowrimo brings out in you, it'll be the right thing, the enough thing.

Deb said...

Good to read you, friend.

That commute sounds hellish and allergies on top of it. Blech. I feel for you, tortured by spring. You can probably mail-order (Ebay or Amazon, even) a neti pot. In Oregon they are most natural food stores...

Glad you're going to give the daily a whirl, but I hope you cut yourself some slack. Especially with Piaster, which is impressive in it's depth - that takes a lot of work. I want to get back to join you for that, but might have to wait until May. (I'm going to cut myself some slack and try some of Christine's short forms, or settle for an American Sentence...last year I said not this year...but I get taken up with group-enthusiasm. :-) )

I'm reading Thomas Hardy (Tess of the D'Urbervilles) and Jessica's poetry book for this month. Just finished a CNF book about a man and his dog (Merle's Door) and working on poetry books for my Sunday morning poetry class, which ends this Sunday. (Linda Bierds, Rilke, Richard Wilbur and Adrienne Rich - varied, eh?!)

Anyway, I'll keep checking back with you!

January said...

Take care of yourself. We'll still be here when life settles down for you.