As some of you know, despite my lack, I was light when it came to pounds and the extra weight was increasing my risk for my family history of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. I've lost twenty pounds. Yay, me. However, the reality is I have twenty more to go. At the moment all I'm losing is stamina not so much that I'm no longer watching what I eat, but I've hit a plateau. I don't have the same enthusiasm. Frankly, I don't want to plan my meals and count points (Weight Watchers system instead of counting calories) but I have too if I want my weight loss to continue a downward spiral. The upside is I now have a wardrobe I can actually wear instead of just staring at.
Lastly, staring at my slimmer, naked self in the mirror this morning, I conceded my boobs are heading south. I felt a tinge of guilt and regret. I'm the only woman in my family who actually has a sizable pair and I failed to harness and care for my girls. I was alternately too lazy or too cheap to get fitted for a good bra. I wonder if I have time to slow down the descent.
I think you're too hard on yourself. It's not easy to lose weight but you've lost 20 pounds. That's quite an accomplishment.
Do you have a friend or family member you can work out with? What about starting a new routine or activity? These are all things I have to start doing to get my workout routine back on track.
Good luck!
I walk with my guy, but with my knee not completely healed, I'm limited how far and how often. Looking at getting a new dvd and I joined a group that will be sharing how well it's going.
I'm not sure I'm too hard but I do need to take a breath and trust I can do this. Thanks.
I really appreciate you always coming by.
Susan, 20 lbs is an amzing feat in itself so a big congrats on getting there! Maybe change things up a bit, and heck even a short walk is better then no walk at all ;)
As for change, maybe its the mid 30's creeping up on me as I'm there too? I realize that if I want something changed, I need to do it - sorta like I control my destiny :) Be active & strive for what you want & avoid the things that take away from your goals.
The boobage issue is a whole new ballgame I'm just discovering - even with my lil guys it's happening so don't feel too bad! There's no way to beat gravity 24/7.
Have a great week!
I agree with january 20 pounds is mega, well done. And just think how much money you're saving by wearing that wardrobe. Good achievements and changes.
Starting a new activity is probably the best way to keep motivated, because you're probably stuck in an exercise rut and finding some new food combos could help too. Even new music while you exercise might help.
You've been missing far too long from the blogosphere. I miss you.
When the tempest falls
Seeds of tears wet the ground
Carrying in their wombs
The fruit of a new life:
Happiness will win the sadness
And overcome the rage.
Passion will conquest the madness,
Exceeding hearts with hope.
...And the tempest falls again,
Carrying in its womb
The embrio of a new war:
A fruit of a new sin,
Disagreement of a new age...
(*By: Agamenon Troyan)
This is a translated excerpt of my poem & short tales book (O Anjo e a
Tempestade) aka (The Angel and the Storm)
SKYPE: tarokid18
I really like your story, it touched my heart, love really. http://adugadget.net/
High, girl!
While I realize my penname is quite morbid, yet,
you shall find in our blogs a gobba (subliminal) moxie
which has taken this mortal sinner yeeeeers to compile:
I lay it ALL out for you, dear - neet-o, packaged, concise
(gotta lotta poetry, too).
Nevertheless, wouldn’t ya love an endless eternity
of aplomBombs falling on thy indelible cranium?
An XtraXcitinXpose with no
with an IQ much higher than K2,
and an extraordinarily, sawcy, rowdy victory??
Here’s what the exquisite, prolific GODy sed
(with an excellent bullshot detector):
“Faith, hope, and love,
the greatest of these is love -
jump into faith...
and you'll see with love”
Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe (what I write);
God believes in you.
Meet me Upstairs, girl, where the Son never goes down
from a passionate, prolific iconoclasm where you’ll find
nonillionsXnonillionsXnonillionsXnonillionsX… of
deluxe-HTTP [<- pi] opportunities for excitement BTW.
Do it. Do the deed, dude. Sign into the Big House.
A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.
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